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Your daily horoscope Wednesday May 15, 2024

Your daily horoscope Wednesday May 15, 2024
Updated: 23 hours ago
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Today is the festival of Vesak, when Buddhists celebrate the birth, enlightenment and death of the Buddha. The timing is perfect; as Mercury (intellect) leaves the shadow of its retrograde period to enter Taurus (which is ruled by Venus, planet of love), the skies reflect the compassion and tolerance at the heart of the cosmos. By focusing on our connections with people and the world around us, we can find inspiring ways to transcend our problems. And find joy in the present moment.

If life is pre-programmed, where's the manual? How do you find out what's supposed to be happening, right here, right now? And if you don't like the look of it, how do you mitigate or modify it? These answers and many more, are all in your 'Personal Guide to the Future'. To learn more, click here.


If you've ever seen a building being demolished, you'll know how dramatic it is. After the noise of the dynamite there's a pause when the building seems to hang, suspended, before it collapses. I mention this because you're attempting to create a change in your world. And rather frustratingly, it doesn't seem to be having the desired effect. So far, nothing much has happened. Today brings signs and signals that the process has begun. It's not going to be earth-shatteringly. No one but you will notice. But it's going to be good.


Venus, your ruler, has been in your sign for a while. Now, as Mercury (communication) joins it in Taurus, it re-boosts the celestial message. You're being blessed by a kindly cosmos. It wants to help you move forwards into territory where you'll be able to flourish. If you feel like you're not yet making progress, don't be disheartened. If you take today's opportunity to clear up an old difficulty, you'll be able to overcome it. Then, you'll find you've got the enthusiasm to seize the chance to improve your life which is on its way.


If you're trying to keep things as they are, or to make them like they used to be, stop! As your ruler, Mercury, leaves its shadow and moves into Taurus, if you allow the waves of change to wash over your life, you'll feel reinvigorated. Don't worry about what might disappear into the surf. Or the speed of the current. You're being encouraged to make moves that will take you towards a more enriching future. Remember that you're an adaptable Gemini. If you're willing to go with the flow and explore, you'll see opportunities you want to embrace.


You don't know what's on my mind right now. And I can't tell what you're thinking. Unless, that is, we focus and try to telepathically communicate. We'd need to try to project our thoughts, and open our minds to receive each other's signals. But even if we tried our hardest, there'd still be room for misunderstanding. Actually, we could be sitting in the same room and we might still talk at cross purposes! With Mercury moving into a new sign today, your insight is super-charged. Use it! Don't jump to hasty conclusions.


Suppose you were given a priceless artwork and, being short on time and space, you stuck it up in the only place available, where it's not going to be seen? You won't ever be able to appreciate its beauty. Sometimes, we need to let something go before accepting something new. When we hang onto everything in our life, we can't benefit from the arrival of positive change. Today brings a chance to revisit a tricky situation from your past, set it straight, and let it be. The timing is perfect. You're making space for something delightful.


Your life feels a bit 'grey'. Things seem to be moving along in 'cruise mode' - which is comfortable; but the lack of excitement is causing a sense of restlessness. Trying to create your own definition of what's important and worth your attention is getting a bit tiresome. So what needs to happen to encourage more colourful experiences? An unexpected drama? Not necessarily! You'll be glad to know that your ruler's move into earthy Taurus brings a change of energy. Social engagements will soon add warmth to your world.


Imagine the satisfaction of having a conversation and knowing you've been completely understood. Or the delight of being involved in a debate and reaching a conclusion that suits everyone? If only we lived in a world where these kinds of events were commonplace. But we're not great at listening; we can't help projecting our own views onto other people's words. Today, Mercury's change of sign increases your chance of having satisfying discussions. If you listen well, you'll learn something priceless.


When we talk about making an investment, our minds immediately turn to businesses and companies. Or to products like gold. Rather than backing individuals who might achieve something great, we prefer to take risks with impersonal things. You however, know who you need to support right now. Whether (or not) it involves money, your encouragement will enable them to make progress. And you'll both profit from that. This is worth your time and energy. There's happiness at stake. And that's worth its weight in gold.


Who's calling all the shots? And who's jumping to attention and running around doing their best to fulfil the demands being made? If you've instantly pictured a relationship that fits this description, it's likely that you're seeing yourself as the person with no control. But things are changing. The power dynamic is shifting into a much healthier place. As Mercury (the planet of intellect) changes signs, if you think about how you'd like things to be (rather than how they are) this relationship will start working in a much more balanced way.


Should you be focusing on the journey or the destination? You probably know the answer you're 'supposed' to give; it's something along the lines of 'the journey is the destination'. Which is fine... unless you happen to be on a pleasant amble that doesn't go anywhere. In which case, it might be better to be on a difficult route that leads somewhere delightful! There's more than one way to get to where you want to go. And you've got a choice to make about which road to take. Trust your intuition. It knows the best path to follow.


You know what you want to do. And it's frustrating that you're not in a situation where you're able to do it. So... what should you do? Try doing what you least dislike doing! And be prepared for unexpected developments. Even if you focus on something disconnected from your ideal, if you set forward with an enthusiastic open heart, you'll get closer to your goal. A small amount of success, in whatever you do, will lead to a larger amount of success later down the line. Just keep your standards high, and stay hopeful. You'll see.


Humans are such an arrogant species! We think we've got everything sussed out. If we're forced to admit we don't know something, we assume it's only a matter of time until we do. We imagine that our knowledge is best, our philosophies are faultless, and our beliefs are unquestionable. And when we think we've got all the answers there's no room for anything new. Luckily for us, life has a way of forcing us to ask questions. Your current situation might not be perfect. But if you stay open-minded, you'll find a way to make it 'just right'.