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The top 10 books you'll want to read this summer

July 18, 2016
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There's nothing like lying on a beach reading a good book to give you that summer holiday feeling, and this year there some great new releases that are sure to entertain you during your getaway. 

We take a look at the top 10 books you'll want to add to your summer reading list - click through for the full list... 


Only in Naples: Lessons in Food and Famiglia from my Italian Mother-in- Law by Katherine Wilson

Katherine is fresh out of college when she arrives in Naples to intern at the US Consulate. There she meets handsome, studious Salvatore, and finds herself enveloped by his family – in particular by his elegant mother, Raffaella, who begins her real education: never eat the crust of a pizza first, always stand up and fight for yourself and your loved ones, and remember that mealtimes are sacred.

If you're planning a holiday to Italy or want to find out more about the vibrant city of Naples, you won't be able to put down this book that's chock block full of tidbits from Neapolitan culture, tradition and cuisine.

Read if you enjoyed: Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert

Published by: Fleet (Little, Brown Book Group)


A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara

This novel chronicles the lives of the four best friends and how their strong friendship develops through the decades. As each character climbs to extraordinary success while each battling his own demons, they are all affected by their desire to help Jude; the quiet and mysterious member of the group who refuses to reveal anything about his life to even his closest friends, but who cannot let go and is haunted by his terrible past.

This novel is heart-breaking, and so beautifully written that it is easy for the reader to go through all the same emotions as the protagonists.

Read if you enjoyed: A Fine Balance by Rohinton Mistry

Publisher: Pan MacMillan 


The Stylist by Rosie Nixon

Amber Green is thrust into the world of Hollywood when she finds herself agreeing to help stylist to the stars Mona Armstrong navigate through awards season. Not only is she expected to work with the increasingly volatile stylist and dress the world's hottest (and craziest) starlets, but suddenly her life is turned upside down as dazzling gowns, shoes and jewels are matched to a steady stream of celebrities who expect to be made red carpet ready. And as Amber starts to enjoy her new life rummaging through the ultimate dressing-up box, she finds herself catching the attention of two very different suitors…

Making for the ultimate beach or poolside read, Rosie's novel sees the reader thrown into a glamorous and glitzy world – ideal if you're looking for a bit of escapism this summer.

Read if you enjoyed: The Devil Wears Prada by Lauren Weisberger

Publisher: HarperCollins 

essex serpent

The Essex Serpent by Sarah Perry

After her husband dies, a secretly relieved widow named Cora takes an extended vacation to Essex with her trusted companion, Martha and her strange son, Francis. However, the legend of a serpent living in the river threatens to disturb their peaceful trip as it has sent the town to near-hysteria, and as a keen naturalist, an enthusiastic Cora hopes that the mythical animal who may be living in the river could be an undiscovered species…

This novel is perfect for anyone who loves gothic Victorian literature, and has been likened to the works of both Charles Dickens and Bram Stoker in its thrilling yet beautifully written storytelling.

Read if you enjoyed: The Miniaturist by Jessie Burton

Publisher: Profile Books Ltd

woman in cabin

The Woman in Cabin 10 by Ruth Ware

Travel journalist Lo Blacklock had been recovering from a traumatic break-in by taking a trip on a cruise ship when she is woken in the night by screaming. She sees a body thrown from her next door's cabin, but it is revealed that no-one checked into that cabin, and there are no missing passengers. As the sole witness to the crime, Lo has to accept that either she is losing her mind, or that she is on a ship with a murderer.

Ruth Ware achieved considered success with her first novel, In a Dark, Dark Wood, and her second release will not disappoint her fans. The build-up will keep you turning the pages, and it is the perfect crime novel for a quick and exciting beach read.

Read if you enjoyed: The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins  

Publisher: Vintage Publishing


Lab Girl by Hope Jahren

Award-winning scientist Hope Jahren has written this frank, illuminating and moving memoir to share some of the most remarkable stories from her work and life. From spending her childhood playing in her father's laboratory to her adventures across Hawaii and the North Pole, Hope's book casts a whole new light on the natural world.

This memoir will particularly appeal to those who are interested in science, but also to those who love travelling or simply want to know more about the world around them.

Read if you enjoyed: Walking the Nile by Levison Wood

Published by: Fleet (Little, Brown Book Group)


Modern Lovers by Emma Straub

Friends and former college bandmates Elizabeth, Andrew and Zoe have watched each other marry and start families, all while trying to hold on to the identities of their youth. However, nothing ages them like having to suddenly pass the torch to their own offspring. Now nearing 50, as their teenagers begin to blossom into adults, the fabric of the trio's adult lives suddenly begins to unravel, and their secrets are finally revealed…

This is the ideal read if you're heading away for a mini break and looking for a captivating book that will also get you thinking…

Read if you enjoyed: The Uncoupling by Meg Wolitzer

Published by: Michael Joseph

The Girls

The Girls by Emma Cline

14-year-old Evie's life changes forever when she meets cool, older Suzanne and is soon drawn into a cult hidden away from society. As Evie becomes increasingly obsessed with her new friend and desperate to be accepted by her new community, she accidentally finds herself drawing closer to a world of crime. 

This strange psychological thriller and coming-of-age tale fantastically builds tension while coming to a conclusion that the reader sees coming but the protagonist simply can't…

Read if you enjoyed: The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt

Publisher: Vintage Publishing


Circling the Sun by Paula McLain

Paula takes her reader into the heart of the life of aviator and adventurer Beryl Markham with this novel set in 1920s colonial Kenya. Taking a look at the unforgettable woman who lived by nobody's rules but her own, Paula's novel looks at everything from Beryl's turbulent childhood, to her difficult marriage and the complex love triangle she became embroiled in. Scandalising high society with her errant behaviour, Beryl later made history when she became the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic from east to west.

A must-read for fans of historical fiction – Beryl's life was full of fascinating characters, life-changing events and impressive achievements.

Read if you enjoyed: The Paris Wife by Paula McLain

Published by: Fleet (Little, Brown Book Group)

infinite jest

Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace

Set in a Dystopian society, the novel is about a film that is so unavoidably addictive that if you begin watching it you will never be able to stop, eventually giving up food and sleep to continue watching.

The novel became iconic in the US and celebrated its 20th anniversary since publication this year and although the size of the novel at nearly 1,100 pages may seem daunting, it's so entertaining that you will fly through it. 

Read if you enjoyed: The Brief and Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao by Junot Díaz

Publisher: Little, Brown Book Group

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